Friday, November 18, at The Woodlands United Methodist Church, and Saturday, November 19, at The Church of St. John the Divine, ROCO presents “Space: The Final Playground.” The program features the Texas premiere of a new ROCO commission – Michael Gilbertson’s Cosmos, a piece for wind quintet and orchestra in which each movement is inspired by an element of the cosmos. During the work, soloists from WindSync — a theatrical, Houston based wind quintet — will move throughout the performance space. David Danzmayr conducts and Scott St. John returns as concertmaster for the program, which also includes Franz Schubert’s Symphony No. 6, Czech composer Vilém Tauský’s Coventry, and Elegía Andina by Gabriela Lena Frank.
The Church of St. John the Divine
St. John the Divine Episcopal Church
River Oaks Boulevard, Houston, TX
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David Danzmayr, conductor
WindSync, soloists
Michael Gilbertson, composer
Scott St. John, concertmaster
Schubert, Symphony No. 6
Vilém Tauský, Coventry
Michael Gibertson, The Cosmos: Concerto for (Theatrical) Wind Quintet
Gabriela Franks, Elegia Andina